It is a measure of the Grail's mercy that this seemed sufficient punishment, for only then could I let it fall. 这也正显示出圣杯的适度仁慈,它似乎觉得惩罚已经足够&因为直到那时我才能放得开它。
Grave abusing software engineering protection measure has grave society harmfulness and it ought to be valuated from corporal punishment. 严重的软件技术保护措施滥用行为具有严重的社会危害性,应当由刑法对其进行评价。
The second is that security measure violates the basic principle of criminal law& the principle of a prescribed punishment for a specified crime and the principle of suiting punishment to crime. 第二是保安处分违背了刑法的基本原则&罪刑法定原则和罪刑相适应原则。
Rehabilitation through labor has become a supplementary measure of sentences and security punishment, and is a compulsory education measures with certain historical inevitability and the relative independence. 发展至今,劳动教养已成为刑罚和治安管理处罚的辅助措施,是具有相对独立性的一种强制性教育改造措施,其产生和发展具有一定的历史必然性。
< 3> it owns powerful legislative power, which mainly includes legislative compulsory measure power, examination and approval power, and legislative punishment power. 拥有强有力的行政权,这主要包括行政强制措施权、审核批准权和行政处罚权;
Compulsory measure and punishment of depriving, limit the freedom of person to citizen's political right; 对公民政治权利的剥夺、限制人身自由的强制措施和处罚;
At the same time, the conception and measure of public administration should be changed in order to solve the "weak" and "disorder" among administrative punishment under law. 同时转变行政管理观念,改进行政执法方式,依法解决行政处罚的“软”与“乱”的问题。
From remaining law principle, compulsive measure which limits free personal right and punishment are all ruled by law. 从法律保留原则角度讲,凡限制公民人身自由权利的强制措施和处罚均应以法律来规定。
Perfect the measure of punishment, increase the efficacy on duty and so on. 完善现行法规处罚措施的不足,加大对直接责任人的处罚力度等方面。
On the other hand, international criminal meeting and prison meeting promote the development of security measure in the historical evolution. This part introduces the historical evolution of the principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime. 另外,在保安处分的历史沿革中,国际刑法会议、国际监狱会议也对其发展起到了极大的推动作用。第一部分,罪刑法定原则的历史沿革。
And the absence of the measure to prohibit and punishment is one of the reasons why they use doping. 另外,查禁、惩罚措施缺乏、力度较小也是造成他们使用兴奋剂的比较重要的原因之一。
The thesis analyses the concrete differences on the investigation procedures of anti-dumping, the measure of anti-evading, the punishment of taxes substitute and the definition of non-market economy country. 对欧盟与美国在反倾销调查程序、反规避措施、对替代赋税制裁以及对中国是否为非市场经济国家认定方式等方面存在的具体差异进行了分析。
Public announcement of illegal act is an administrative measure employed by administrative punishment agency aiming at those who practice severe illegal acts and refuse to correct or cease their acts. 公告违法行为是行政处罚机关针对违法情节严重而又不改正或停止违法行为所采取的一种行政措施。
We should set up strict legal liability, including administrative disciplinary measure and economical sanction and pursuit of criminal punishment. 应建立严格的法律责任,包括行政处分、经济制裁和追究刑事责任。
There are neither judge criteria nor punitive measure in legal procedure to lawyers 'negative defense behavior. Lawyers just need to bear administrative liability, civil liability and punishment in legal morality, which cannot make up the personal and property loss of the accused. 对于律师消极辩护的行为,既无判定标准又无程序内的惩治措施,律师仅需承担行政、民事责任或律师职业道德方面的惩处,难以弥补被追诉人所遭受的人身、财产利益的损失。
The third part describes the measure to strengthen the rural clean government focusing on the construction of punishment and prevention system. 第三部分主要阐述以构建县域惩防体系为重点加强农村基层党风廉政建设的对策与措施。
An effective PA-management includes scientific and reasonable appraisal-standard, measure to salary, benefit, rewards, punishment according to appraisal results. 一个有效的绩效管理体系包括科学的考核指标,合理的考核标准,以及与考核结果相对应的薪资福利支付和奖惩措施。
The pretrial detention system is a measure to guarantee the criminal activities such as investigation, trial and execution of punishment, to temporarily confine or deprive the personal freedom of the criminal suspect by the judicial office before the court. 审前羁押制度是指为了保障侦查、审判和刑罚执行等刑事诉讼活动的顺利进行,而使犯罪嫌疑人在法庭审判之前被司法机关依法暂时限制、剥夺人身自由的一种措施。
Therefore, the inclusion of the regulation of the agency in the category of the prevention of corruption in social areas is not only a permanent strategy to regulate and perfect the agency, but also the important measure to promote the punishment and prevention of the corruption system. 因此,把规范中介组织执业行为纳入社会领域防治腐败工作范畴,既是规范和完善中介组织发展的治本之策,也是促进惩治和预防腐败体系建设的重要举措。
However, how to measure the social harm of crime? Where should the evaluation aim from? This legislation is technically set in the legal punishment should be the first issue to be resolved. 然而,如何衡量犯罪行为的社会危害性?其评判的着眼点应当是什么?这在法定刑设置的立法技术上应当是首先需要解决的问题。
So, measure punishment plays an important part in the criminal procedure. 因此,量刑在刑事诉讼中有十分重要的地位。
Executive Police Bureau carries the power of executive case filing, executive order, executive measure enforcement, objection reconsideration adjudication, punishment decision, judicial police matter and affair management. 执行警务局主要行使执行立案权、执行命令权、执行措施施行权、异议复议裁决权、处罚决定权、司法警务权、事务管理权等七项权力。
Currently, the procedure of criminal judgment was divided into two parts: damningness and measure punishment. 刑事审判程序一般分为两部份:定罪与量刑。
As a regulatory measure, the criminal prohibition order is an important reform in the system of punishment, which is executed by community corrections agencies. 作为管制、缓刑的一种执行监管措施,对管制犯、缓刑犯适用刑事禁止令,是我国刑罚制度的一项重要改革。